To Muslim brothers and sisters presently in the Holy Land as the guests of Allah, I pray for your safe return.
We will be traveling back to the wife's kampung in Mersing later today to celebrate the Hari Raya. The family has arranged for some cows to be sacrificed. See you all next week. Take care.
selamat hari raya korban to you too
kek tompek eden ni haa lombu ompek ekor nak di lapah, warga taman ramai balik kampung pulak tu.
selamat hariraya iduladha, oldstock.
Have a very fulfilling Iduladha.Safe journey and salam banyak2 ke Mrs Oldstock too.
Selamat Hari Raya Haji to you and your family and relatives..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to you and your family too...
Hi Oldstock,
It never ceases to amaze me how Saudi Arabia can play host to 2-3 million pilgrims each & every year. The logistic itself would have to be very spot on to cope. And this year flooding does not help too. I wish all goes well for everyone there in the Holy Land.
Here’s wishing you & your family a Selamat Hari Raya Qurban.
Salam Aidil Adha to you, too, Fadhil. This is the term I'm familiar with. I hear so many different forms of it these days, and it's left me confused.
But, the correct terminology aside: May you and your family be blessed with a good and holy day.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to the whole family. Have a safe journey balik kampung.
Slamat Hari Raya to U too!
Selamat hari raya Aidil Adha to you and family. May Allah bless you all.
..salam aidiladha..take care and be safe on the highway..
Wishing you and your loved ones Selamat Hari Raya Haji. May you have a safe journey and may your days and nights be filled with meaningful moments.
Salam eidul Adha to you and your family. may God bless all our sacrifices.
Mengucap salam di hari yang mulia ini kepada Tuan dan Puan Oldstock sekeluarga.
Salam aidil adha, syok nya raya kat kampong, buat korban pulak tu!
Rupanya, mrs oldstock sri mersing...jadi you mesti lah damak! Pak malau mana? Pak malau? Kekekeh!
salam eidul adha to you and family.
sacrifice is the buzz word. have to do more on my part.
look forward to tales of your eid. :)
Selamat Hari Raya Korban to you & family.
To all friends who have dropped by, thanks for the wishes. Just got back home a short while ago. It has been a tiring but exciting raya haji. Will post about it soon.
Aidil Adha (or Eid-ul Adha) is the official Arabic name. The common Malay name is Hari Raya Haji, because it falls during the hajj period. Also known as Hari Raya Qurban (or Korban) because of the ritual sacrifice of certain animals during this time. All three forms of expression are acceptable.
The logistics in handling the huge number of pilgrims is tremendous. But no matter how hard the Saudi authorities try, there is bound to be hiccups... and it is a real test of the individual's patience during such times.
If you have close friends who have just returned from haj, you can listen to the various stories. The patient ones will tell stories of calm and peace that they find when in the holy mosque. The short-tempered ones will tell you of the terrible traffic jams, the crush of the crowds and lousy service from the Arab locals.
My ustaz told me once...
"Malaysia is the only country that has named their Hajj pilgrims as Hajjah or Haji"
Am not sure how far is this true..
Btw, I would like take this opportunity to wish you & your family, Salam Aidiladha :)
Oh between, since 1990's, the *figures proved that Saudi Arabia has a strong presence in shipping & freight transport industry amongst their region :)
The figures, cannot tell one lah, based on what-what indicator also cannot lah.. But am happy to share some of the surface info with everyone here. Huhu :)
What your ustaz said is probably true. Whether this practice is right or not, that's debatable.
Hoping that you had a wonderful raya haji too.
betul....actually seseorang itu patut di gelar haji atau hajjah semasa pergi dan balik haj je. lepas tu takde la..
omputih nya pilgrims. they are pilgrims only when they go on a pilgrimage.
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