Kenangan bersama adik beradik masa nak tidur….
Pak Pandir panjat pokok pisang. Pokok pisang patah. Pak Pandir panjat pulak pokok petai. Pokok petai pun patah. Pak Pandir pun panggil Pak Paiman Polis. Pak Paiman polis pencen. Polis pencen pun pakai pistol? Pak Pandir pikir… Pak Pandir panik. Pikir punya pikir, Pak Pandir... pengsan. Polis pencen pulak panik. Panik punya panik… polis pencen pulak pengsan. Pinish…
The thread was started yesterday 29 July 2010 and is continuing with contributions by friends who have posted stories where the words all start with the same letter. The original story above starts with P. Since then, there have been those starting with J, S and K. Totally hilarious!
Salam sir. this is really funny. the thread can goes on and the end nobody will sleep :)
Salam Doc,
My friend tells the story of having six brothers about to go to sleep at their kampung home... someone starts the game and another brother continues to add a sentence. Things would go quiet... thinking that everyone's asleep. Then someone would add another sentence and the giggles would continue... hehehe..
The thread has reached 63 comments... a sample of the new stories (obviously referring to my friend who is an airline pilot) include :
Friend 1 - kapten kena konduk krash korse kat kokpit kapalterbang kasi kita kurang kekok...
Friend 2 - kasi kita kurang kekok karang kapten kacau kita...
Friend 3 - kalau kapten kacau kita... kita kasi kapten karate kick!
Kapt Sham - kawan-kawan… kapt kene ke kenduri kawin kat kajang kejap….kwang kwang kwang….kerana kena karate kick, kaki kanan kapt kebas, kaki kiri kapt kepak, kepala kapt konpius…kah kah kah….
Hilarious! This is excellent activity for the children even though it does promote incorrect spellings. LOL!
creatively funny! I wonder which part did you contribute oldstock?!!
D, we suspend the rules of spelling to provide wide freedom for creativity!
This game can be done in English too... I'm already mulling to start a story with W...
Wally wondered where we went.. we went west without warning Wally. Wally was worried.. why? why? why? wakaka!
I contributed the part about kapten kena karate kick! Muahaha..
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