A few days ago, I was on my way to look for a place to break my fast and noticed that the foodstall was open. I made a stop and had a look at the simple handwritten menu on a large card pasted on the wall. I ordered a nescafe tarik and mee bandung.
The stall owner asks if I want mee bandung biasa, mee bandung udang or mee bandung udang special. `Yang special tu macam mana bang?' I ask back.
`Oh, yang itu udang lebih,' was the simple reply. Of course I have to go for the special la kan?
Prawns and noodles are really meant for each other. Any dish involving the combination of these two ingredients normally cannot go wrong. When my plate of mee bandung udang special arrived at my table, the large prawns actually covered the noodles. The whole dish was delicious. The prawns were fresh and the gravy tasty too. Of course I had to sort of not think about the effects of increased cholesterol intake... if you know what I mean.
Makanlah selagi ada selera.... that's my motto.
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At only RM8 a plate, this dish was worth it |
Alahai selera lah saya tengok that udang sebalik mee.. tengah lapar ni dik..;))
May Ramadhan brings you and your loved one Allah's pleasure, Maghfirah and and grant you your freedom from hell-fire..
Salam Oldstock..luckily I'm allergic to prawns..otherwise I'll be in the cholestrol dilemma just like you..Selamat Berpuasa and Selamat Berhari Raya soon..:D
I'm from Pontian and living in JB. Your story about the mee bandung near Rambah clearly shows how I've taken my beloved hometown for granted, and I am ashame that I was not aware about it.
Perhaps my memories of Pontian have been warped by the nostalgia of the era of the fifties and sixties where nothing much was happening.
The only decent food joints were the seafood restaurants at Kukup Laut and the Rest House for steaks, chicken chop and mee hailam.
I like your motto :) Like kak Putri, I am also quite allergic to crustaceans, but an irresistible dish like that...balun je.
Eid mubarak, maaf zahir batin.
oops sorry. not kak putri but mamasita. must be the mee udang (blame the mee :)
no comment on the last part / motto .. but i love udang!!
Salam ramadhan Ayoh Wang dan selamat menyambut adilfitri yang bakal tiba. Semuga Ayoh Wang sekeluarga sihat walafiat hendaknya.
mamasita, aduhai you allergic to prawns? Sayang, sayang seriba kali sayang... hehe..
Selamat kembali dari umrah dan selamat menyambut aidilfitri yg bakal tiba.
Sdr JohorMali,
I am also not that familiar with Pontian until lately after being posted here. This mee udang place at Rambah is only known based on a friend's recommendation.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting in this blog.
Dr Sam, once in a while, seeing prawns that large, how to resist.
Salam aidilfitri and maaf zahir batin.
Mamaboyz, nasib baik tak kena sound dgn you, heheh...
woyoo! meleleh ayaq liuq tengok udang. ni dah bukan kes ada udang balik mee. ni dah jadi kes kena selak udang baru jumpa mee.
banyak cerita tentang tempat makan yang sedap sedap kat Johor. nampak gayanya saya kena cari peluang untuk program jalan jalan cari makan ke Johor.
teringat sangat satu siaran program Jalan Jalan Cari Makan pasal satu gerai kecil entah kat daerah mana di Johor [sempat tengok sikit je siaran tu] yang jadi tumpuan para nelayan. Gerai tu cuma jual ikan masak asam pedas. Teringin sangat nak rasa masakan tu. Mungkin Oldstock pernah ke sana?
Mohon link blog tuan ke blog saya.
Salam Makcik yg cool,
Gerai ikan masak asam pedas yg femes tu tak silap saya di Parit Jawa, Muar. Tapi saya sendiri belum pernah sampai lagi. But according to my sis-in-law who has been there, confirm memang sedap.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Feel free to link. Nanti saya drop by your place pulak, insyaAllah.
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