I'm in Penang at the moment with a colleague. We left KL yesterday after lunch and after a leisurely drive on the NSE, arrived at Butterworth slightly past 6pm. It has been quite a while since I was last here having previously been a regular visitor while handling a project around five years back.
One of the things that I love about Penang is the variety of really delicious food that can be found. I know I've mentioned this previously but it is something that is worth overstating.

Putting our cholesterol worries aside for the moment, my colleague and I tried the Beriani Peha Kambing while our local friends had the so-called lighter meal of Grilled Kambing. The `peha kambing' in the name refers to a shank of leg bone with a huge chunk of meat on it. The taste was simply exquisite... soft, fresh and tender cooked to perfection. I'm not saying anymore except that I'll be coming to this place again for sure.
Bro..mahu lepas tu menguap2 ZZZzzz
I just love the taste and smell and feel of mutton/sheep/goat! And this meal sounds simply yummmmmmmmm!
Cholesterol??! What's that???!!!! MUAHAHAH!
We often head up north, because that's where my in-laws are, so next time we're there, I'll try to engineer a detour ;)
Thanks for sharing.
Mr Oldstock, methinks that the secret of good briyani is in the rice. Most of the time, the mamak stalls use the normal short-grained rice and it makes the dish kinda soggy. There's a place at The Weld, KL serves the briyani just like the one in your blogpost. It's called Aryan's. Not sure if it's still there. It's been awhile since I last went to The Weld.
Haiya, you dah sampai situ dulu while I'm still debating to give it a try! Hish...tak aci betul! Some feedback from friends were negative. But a friend, a good food lover (aha!) strongly recommended me there. So, kalau Oldstock pun cakap sedap, I kena try ni!
Kita TAG awak (in cik som's words...hihi!)!
You are really a foodie. Have no time to respond to your nasi ambeng your are now on to beryani peha kambing. I will definitely try the next time I am up north.
Do check up on Nasi Kandar Simpang Empat on your way back, take the next exit after Juru exit and proceed to Simpang Empat. The stall is an ordinary one but the nasi kandar is superb, it is own by a Malay gentleman who is also the chief cook. Opens from 12 noon.
putting cholesterol worries aside? how about your uric acid worries?
(hands on hip) :P
Your food entries have made my look- forward-to-food list longer.
Hehehe Oldstock, I think u had scared all the makciks away with your one too many ‘food glorious food’ postings. BTW that lamb shank briyani looks very inviting, ya-lorr what the heck, bugger the cholesterol.Nobody cares anymore lah...hahaha.
Amboi Pak Oldstock,
beraninya tuan membaham kambing itu.Hehehehe..saya seriau tengok.
Kalau pasal kambing saya tak bole tahan * droooooooooooooooool*
That peha kambing is driving me nuts la oldstock (and the coffee i was enjoying like nobody's business a moment ago has suddenly lost all its attraction) ;p
Haaish kena cari kambing jugak karang!!
Butterworth tu kampung kita :-))) Rasa bangga pulak ada citer pasal Butterworth...
Must visit this place when I go back....nampak sungguh sedapppp...
Thanks for sharing oldstock!
Takde mana menguapnya lepas makan kambing tu... sebab pastu kami gi latihan vokal :-)
You're my kind of lady... no worries about eating!
The place is a bit difficult to find so try to go during the daytime to minimise chances of getting lost. They are also open for lunch. Check the link to their website that I've given for directions to get there.
They serve other things too, not just mutton.
You are right about the rice. For me, it has to be basmati rice for it to be called briyani. But this rice is expensive compared the short-grained variety, so most normal stalls cannot afford to use it without affecting the selling price.
Another important aspect is the mix of spices and ingredients. The briyani that my mom cooks contains items too long to list here.
Let me know if that place in the Weld is still operating. I might just give it a try.
I don't know what the negative things your friends had to say about the place. Maybe the goat pens are close by the eating area and you can sometimes get a whiff of the kambing smell.
I've not tasted the other dishes on their menu but based on this single dish alone, I'd be coming back. I also can't comment about value for money sebab malam tu kawan yg belanja :-)
You should try it out. It's not too far from where you are, kan?
This trip tak sempat nak gi try nasi kandar. I have a few recommendations in my list still to explore. But I've taken note of your tip and will try it if I have the chance. Thanks.
Alamak... dah kena sound dengan Dr Wati!
Takpe doc, my mutton intake is limited to once a week. And I'm eating more fresh green salads. Thanks for your concern, hehehe.. :-)
I would've made the 4th posting about food in a row but decided against it. Next time I'll write about Din Ikan Bakar in Kepala Batas, to add to your list of makan places to try when you and your family get back home.
Juicy lamb shanks are something worth tasting. We only live once :-)
Salam Pak Iskandar (who I'm assuming is the same Dr Bubbles by another name),
Memang kenyang makan kambing mlm tu... cukup enak. Tapi takleh selalu la, hehehe...
Jom kita gi makan mutton mandi kat restoran arab area Damai, KL. Kambing masakan pak arab ni pun sedap.
In your case, at least you can jog it off... a lazy bum like me would be heading for trouble, heheh..
Kampung hang kat Butterworth tu tang mana? Balik cuti nanti, hang mesti pi try tempat ni..
Nanti I ajak abang pegi..
I dok kat Bagan Jermal (Butterworth side, as there is also Bagan Jermal in Penang Island).he he..dah keluaq slang penang dah!
I do have to try all these places bila balik nanti..ikan bakar pak din memang dlm list jugak :-))
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