Whenever possible, I would try to spend my holiday time there. This time around, the trip has a double purpose because we accompanied a rombongan pertunangan of our nephew who got engaged to a sweet lass from Kuantan.
The engagement ceremony was on the day after Christmas. We then took off to Kuala Terengganu the following day. It was quite a satisfying holiday. KT was surprisingly basked in sunshine the whole time we were there. I would like to describe more about our trip but time is a bit short (office stuff has caught up with me). I'll just let pictures do the talking...

The newly-built Bazar Warisan, less popular than the old Kedai Payang across the road
The latest batik designs on sale

A colourful visit indeed.
Happy New Year to you too.
Dear Mr Oldstock,
Happy New Year 2010 to you and family.
Love your pics of KT. I've been there a couple of times, but mostly on transit to Perhentian or Redang.
That ikan tepung celup -> isn't this keropok lekur? There's another KT delicacy which I'm sure you tried - Akok (or sth like that).
I will always enjoy Trengganu, with its 200 over km of pristine beaches..stretching from Kuala Besut to Chukai, Kemaman..and Kemasik has always been a favorite with this old man..Happy New Year, Oldstock..yes, see you next year..:)
Salam Pak
Ni yg buat I tak tidur malam ni. Tengok gambar Teluk Lipat et al airmata dah rasa nak berderai...
Absolutely beautiful pictures.. tq for rekindling my memories of home..
Wishing you all the best in this year of 2010 AD, Oldstock.
Best thing to to wrap up a beautiful year is to take a holiday to a beautiful place, as we did. Not a drop of rain for us too, when aunty beeb predicted showers hehe.
Rindulah Terengganu..lama tak gi sana..banyak perubahan nampaknye kat sini. Salam tahun baru 2010!
Kat Tanjung Lumpur tu ada satu tempat nama dia Mok Naa yg satar dan otak2 dia mantap dan padat.
Another stall further up to Mok Naa is Warung Paksu dan Maksu which serves tepung talam yg sangat authentic.
Salam Oldstock,
What better way of spending holidays than piling up on our weight! These days, (I don't know why!) I'm so into food more than shopping or sight-seeing! hihi...
I hate to reveal this, but, psst... I have never been to the east-coast...(blush!). The distance always freaks me out. But the nice pictures you posted here have somewhat prompted me to 'try' to go there someday. After all,my late paternal grandparents were buried in Terengganu soils. Insyaallah.
sonoknyerr jalannns ganu teww.. ehehe, salammm
Made a trip to KT too a few weeks ago.
Happy New Year 2010!
Happy New Year! So glad you had a lovely Trengganu holiday.
Monica Bay..nampak quite unkempt kan?
Hope Dato' and I get to jumpa2 you in 2010 yer..
Salam tahun 2010. Beautiful holiday full of delectable and beautiful beaches experience. Did you manage to find Pantai Pandak?
Picturesque! I so love the east coast - the food, the shopping, the scenery, the people! That's clearly on my list of places to go once I'm back because there's been a lot of development there.
Happy New Year, Oldstock!
Hi Old Stock, Happy New Year.
Wishing you the very best of 2010.
I too love Trengganu. And was very familiar with the place in the 80's. Used to stay at Tanjong Jara and Primula hotel.
And the nasi dangang at the market was really good.
Have always been fascinated with the market there, only women doing the business, ha ha.
Have a great year, Lee.
It's been more than a decade since I last set foot in the East Coast. There have been many times that I planned a trip there but working life's proved to be a challenge.
I LOVE satar. The ones in Mersing are good. Have you tried them?
Assalamualaikum Uncle!
Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijrah dan Masihi dari kami.
Semoga Allah menambahkan limpah kurniaNYa kepada kita sekeluarga. Insya Allah.
'Pertunangan nephew'?
Did I miss s'thing ke?
Muahaha, me and my lost world.
Errrr... terminal bus yang roboh tu, tak pergi lawat ke? A must visit site for engineers too. :p
Hi Oldstock,
TQ for the lovely updated pictures of Ganu. Hahaha & u can't help yourself & go spoil it with that 'stadium'picture! Very cruel!
Glad u had a wonderful holiday with the family & hey please lighten up for this new year & smile a bit more lah when posing for photos, u look so serious & stressed out :))
All the very best for the rest of the year!
Tommy be good!
I've got more pics but I guess this is enough. Happy new year!
I'm not really a beach guy, so never been to Redang or Perhentian, not even to Tioman which is supposed to be nearby where I live.
Keropok lekor is also in the pic. Ikan celup tepung is deep-fried finsh in batter... only found at the east-coast. Akok is another delicacy but we didn't buy any.
I've been to Pantai Kemasik once but didn't take any pic. Another nice beach is at Awana Kijal.
Salam Kak Kama,
We stopped by Dungun because it was lunchtime and I took my family to eat chinese nasi ayam at a shop in Kuala Dungun.
I first tasted ikan celup tepung at a stall by pantai Teluk Lipat. My friend and I are regulars, sampai akak yang berniaga kat situ dah kenal kitorang. Cuma kali ni tak sempat nak singgah sebab takde masa. Panjang umur akan makan angin ke Terengganu lagi.
I would've loved to spend more time in KT but was prevented by work commitments. I trust you enjoyed your trip there too.
Cubalah cari masa gi makan angin ke Terengganu. Banyak design batik dan sutera terbaru...
Will drop by Mok Naa's place at Tg Lumpur next time. Would be visiting Kuantan again this year for the nephew's wedding in July, insyaallah.
Terengganu is worth visiting. The distance may be daunting now, but should be okay in a few years time when the LPT gets fully built.
Salam en_me,
Wah.. another JB blogger dropping by. Thanks.
You were in KT too? How come no story about it in your blog? Sibuk agaknya :-)
A lot of drifting debris washed ashore at Monica Bay... that's why it looks a bit unkempt. A bit of clean-up by the local authorities should make the place look beautiful again.
I'm sure one day we'll meet up... panjang umur insyaallah.
Dr Sam,
I only managed to drop by Pantai Pandak on the way back. Tak sempat nak ronda-ronda... too many good places to visit in Terengganu :-)
The east-coast is really worth visiting, many times over... at least that's my personal preference. I've been to Langkawi once before and never had the desire to make a second visit.
So when will you be coming back home?
Tanjung Jara has a lovely beach but alas, the accomodation there is way out of my league. I've stayed at Primula once before. This time we stayed at a new hotel called Felda Residence. More of a businessman's hotel (no swimming pool) but a lovely view of the Terengganu river mouth.
The satar sold at Mersing is not too bad... ada la rasa jugak. Cuma keropok Mersing masih takleh lawan yang Ganu punya...
Alaikum Salam Tinta Mustika,
Yang tunang is Kamarull Ariffin bin
Ghazali. The girl's name is Norfazrini. Nikah is mid this year, insyaallah.
Salam Sdra Banjar,
Terminal bas yang bumbungnya runtuh is somewhere outside KT, I think (Kuala Berang). Not as sensational as the stadium so tak pegi..
Hey... nice picture of the stadium maa.. Lagipun it's very near the airport where we had the ICT.
On your point about being cruel, I think it is the Terengganu leadership that's being cruel to their own people. The very least they can do is to engage a contractor to remove and clean up the collapsed roof. The structure and columns are still intact. The investigation was completed months ago, so no reason why they can't clean the place up and remove the eyesore. Unless there are some underlying reasons why they want to leave it that way.
On the part of smiling for pics, I don't know why I always look so serious... must try harder to look cheerful, hahaha!
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